About delistedcoins.com
About delistedcoins.com

About Delisted Coins

Our website provides a list of cryptocurrencies that have been delisted from major exchanges.

Our goal is to provide a place where users can easily check if the cryptocurrencies that they are about to purchase or they are already holding was delisted from any major exchange.

With this knowledge, our users can complete their due diligence by checking with the relevant exchange listing standards in order to understand why the crypto was delisted, and then make an informed decision on whether or not they wish to continue their participation in that particular cryptocurrency project.

We hope that the service we provide will be useful in the ever-changing landscape of the cryptocurrency market.

Our principles


Risk Management

We believe in providing transparent information about the delisted coins, including the exchanges that they were delisted from and the date when we uploaded them to our platform.

We emphasize the importance of risk management when dealing with cryptocurrencies, especially those that have been delisted from major exchanges. We encourage everyone to visit the relevant exchanges and learn the reasons behind their delisting.

Open Communication

We believe in free, open, and respectful communication. Reach out to our community and staff members with any queries or comments.

Management team delistedcoins.com
Management team delistedcoins.com

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